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IGCAS Celebrates Groundbreaking for New Campus at Jinyang District TEXT SIZE: A A A

A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Sep. 29 at Jinyang District for the research platform project for southwest mineral resources and ecological environment (also known as new campus project of Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS)). 

The ceremony was hosted by Ren Xiaozhuang, Deputy Director of IGCAS.  Director Hu Ruizhong, CPC Secretary LI Shijie and Assistant Director Feng Xinbin along with Jinyang project members and officials of all IGCAS departments attended the ceremony.  Despite the rain, Ms. Cai Fengying, wife of the late Academician Tu Guangchi, also came to the site and witnessed the exciting moment.                   (Provided by GAO Xiaoli, Translated by XIAO Yi)

Construction Site


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