Sponsored by the Organization Department of Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPC and co-sponsored by Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of science (IGCAS), a one-day conference for Guizhou Province year 2010 "Western Light" talents training program and the final progress evaluation of year 2006 candidates was held at the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry on July 29th, 2010.
Director of IGCAS HU Ruizhong, the Committee Chair hosted the conference. Other committee members included Deputy chief SHEN Yong of the Division of Talents in the Organization Department of Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPC, Chief HE Qingcai of Division of Scientific Research, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vice-Chairman HU Jianxin of Department of Urology, Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital, Vice-Chairman XIE Juan of Department of Pharmacy, Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital, and Associate Dean ZHOU Xun of College of Physics and Electronics, Guizhou Normal University. XIA Jing, one of the "Western Light" Program supervisors of the Division of Talents in the Organization Department of Guizhou Provincial Committee of the CPC, acted as the secretary of committee.
The conference accomplished the final progress evaluation of 3 candidates of the year 2006 "Western Light" Program. After hearing the defenses by the project leaders, the committee conscientiously evaluated the completeness of the projects, fund management, project achievements, and team building, etc. The conference also conducted the preliminary assessment of 6 project applications for the year 2010 "Western Light" talents training program.
The assessment was conducted under the guidance of "fair, just and open" principles, and strictly followed the project reviewing requirements. The "Western Light" project applicants were arranged to carry out their on-site defenses, followed by the committee grading. On the basis of selecting excellent talents, the conference aimed at providing essential funding to young scientists dedicated in working in western regions, supporting and assisting them during their starting and developing research phases, encouraging them to actively launch their researches and therefore positively contribute to the economical, social and ecological benefits in the western regions
Defense site(Picture/IGCAS):

( Provided by Division of Party and Personnel, IGCAS, Translated by XIAO Yi)