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Water Pollution Spreading in Southwest China's Karst Area TEXT SIZE: A A A
     Scientists found water pollution both organic and inorganic is spreading from isolated spots to a wider area in southwest China's karst area.

    "Urban, industrial and agricultural wastes are turning 3066 underground rivers in the area into sewage," said Yuan Daoxian, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), who led his team to carry out research in water pollution.

    Unchecked dumping of wastes from city life, industrial and agricultural production is threatening water quality and life and production of civilians across the area. Concentration of PAEs rises to 233.5ng/L, with carcinogenic PAHs as high as 51.4ng/L, researchers in Yuan's team found.

    Mining industry is flourishing, spreading pollution to wider areas and destroying natural soil around the mine area. "Water pollution resulted by mining industry in the area will be a big problem for geology in Guangxi province," said Yuan.

    More engineering activities resulted in water drain and zero-flow of springs, costing normal civilian life in the area. More attention on hydrogeological survey is needed before significant engineering projects, Yuan said. Current environment assessment should also include more experts on hydrogeology.

    "Top priority at present is to expand the range of groundwater environmental survey in karst area, monitoring the general situation and developing trend in the area," said Yuan.

    The process will last about two years. Further scientific research, groundwater monitoring projects and protection and regulation planning will follow on this basis.
                              (from  http://english.cas.cn/eng2003/news/detailnewsb.asp?InfoNo=27603)
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