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Characteristics on Mineralization Resulted fromTissue Necrosis in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma TEXT SIZE: A A A

WANG Chang-qiu1, ZHAO Wen-wen1, LU An-huai1, LI Yan1, XIONG Cui-e1, MEI Fang2, LIU Jian-ying2

(1. Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, MOE, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 
2. Pathology Department in School of Basic Medical Science, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract:As a common form of calcification in papillary thyroid carcinoma, the mineralization resulted from tissue necrosis is closely related to the development of disease. The characteristics of mineralization from tissue necrosis of 6 papillary thyroid carcinoma were investigated using optical microscope, environmental scan electron microscope(ESEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscope(TEM) and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscope(FTIR). The results indicate that the mineralization often occurs in the place with abundant collagens and is closely related to the collagens. There are two patterns of mineralization, small mineralized ball and large aggregate. The relative compact cryptocrystalline aggregates distribute in the inside of mineralized focuses. Many micron-sized mineralized balls deposit on the face of the aggregates and collagen fibers nearby. Some small balls also spread on collagen fibers far from the mineralized focuses. The flocculent mineralized matter grow on the rim of some balls which appear pompon-like looks. The mineralized matter are composed of nano-crystals. The relative compact parts of inner mineralized focuses have high Ca/P ratio value, which is close to the theoretical one of hydroxyapatite, whereas rim of the focuses and small balls have lower Ca/P ratio, in which some minerals with low Ca/P ratio such as octacalcium phosphate possible exist. Mineralized small balls formed during the initial stage of mineralization, and the balls gradually aggregate and form large sheet of mineralized focus. 

Key words:mineralization; tissue necrosis; papillary thyroid carcinoma

E-mail: qiuhn@gig.ac.cn

ACTA MINERALOGICA SINICA Vol. 31, No. 4, 2011, Page 623-628
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