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The precipitation effect on the water cycle mode of karst subterranean stream catchment TEXT SIZE: A A A

Kang Zhiqiang1,2,3, Xiong Zhibin4, Li Qingyan2,3,5, Zhu Qin2,3,6, Tang Wei2,3,5, Ma Zhenjie2,3,5, He Shiyi2,3, Cao Jianhua2,3

(1. Studies of Environmental School, China University of Geosciences, Whuhan 430074, China;
2. Karst Institute of Geology, CAGS/ International Research Centre on Karst, UNESCO, Guilin 41004, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, MLR, Guilin 41004, China;
4. The Management of Maolan National Nature Reserve of Guizhou, Libo 558400, China;
5. College of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China;
6. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, University of Technology.Guilin 541004, China.)   

Abstrct: Strontium in karst water came from carbonate rocks, and its content is controlled by lithology of the formations and the runoff conditions of groundwater. In the area covered by pure carbonate rocks, the strontium content is only controlled by the latter based on the analyzing of strontium hydrochemical character of Banzhai subterranean stream located in Libo County, Guizhou Province. So, the Ca/Sr ratio can be used to discriminate the water circulation mode. In this paper, the 7 water sample sites be divide two 3 types, which are epi-karst water sites, conduit flow zone/saturation zone water sites and subterranean stream debouchure. The total discharge in subteranean stream debouchure is madeup of other two end mumbers. Although the conduit flow zone/saturated zone water is dominated during Dec-2009 to Feb-2010, the contribution of epi-karst water quatity is also very important and more than 40% in total discharge. However, effected by the extremity dry season, the epi-karst water is almost exthaust and its contribution be droped to 7.1% sharply at the end of March 2010. It is shown that the kast water circulation mode is controlled by the precipitation in the study area.

Keywords: karst water cycle; strontium; Banzhai subterranean stream cathment.

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 39, No.1, Tot No.283, 2011, Page 26-31

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