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A Study on the Environmental Bio-geochemical Process for a Deep-water Artificial Reservoir:As exemplified by Lake Hongfeng and Lake Baihua, Guizhou, China TEXT SIZE: A A A

WAN Guo-jiang1*, WAN En-yuan1, CHEN Jing-an1 , WAN Xi2 , BAI Z. G.3, WU Feng-chang4,WANG Shi-lu1, WANG Jing-fu1

(1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China;
2.Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 6500 HB Nijmegen, the Netherlands;
3. ISRIC - World Soil Information, 6700 AJ Wageningen, the Netherlands;
4. Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China)

Abstract: Lakes Hongfeng and Baihua, artificial lakes, were located in the catchment of the Maotiao River, a branch of the Wujiang distributary of the Yangtze River with low altitude and high elevation. The area has been intensively intervened by human activities. The lake waters are characterized by short-term residence time, variable water depth and multiple-function services; their catchment is developed on a geological background of carbonate rocks, and mosaicked by lake water surface and agricultural land uses. The Pb stable isotopic composition of the upper sediments indicated that the lakes were contaminated by various sources of pollutants. Analysis of incident cross-correlation water-quality indicators for the paroxysmal deterioration of water quality in Lakes Baihua and Hongfeng, or “Lake Black Tide”as a “dead zone”, indicated that the deterioration resulted from the coupling of bio-oxidation of depositional organic matter under certain seasonal and climatic conditions. pH-restraints of denitric processes led to an increase in NO2- concentrations. To maintain good lake water quality, it is necessary to take an integrated measure to manage the lakes,as well as to prevent polluttions from industry,livelihood, and watershed erosion.

Key words: Lake Black Tide; deep artificial lake; sediment-water interface; environmental biogeochemical process; Lakes Hongfeng and Baihua

E-mail: wanguojiang@vip.skleg.cn

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT  Vol. 38, No.3, Tot No.281, 2010, Page 262-270

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