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The Society of Chinese Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry TEXT SIZE: A A A
Secretary Deputy-Director: LIU Li  (Associate Professor)     liuli@vip.gyig.ac.cn

The Society is an academic party affiliated to the IGCAS, and a member of the China Association for Science and Technology as well. Its tenets are to advocate the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, to insist the practical and realistic science attitudes and excellent styles, to air the fashion of “respect knowledge, respect professionals”; to actively inspire the spirit of “self-devotion, creativity, pursuing for reality, and collaboration”; to insist the idea of “the science and technology being the first productivity”; to implement the strategy of “Science and Education Flourishing the Nation” and “Sustainable Development”; to strengthen the unity of the research group in the field of Chinese mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry and the international cooperation; to advocate and spread the new theories and technologies of modern sciences to be used in the research of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry; to organize academic communication for promoting the scientific study and improving the research levels; to exploit new study fields and develop marginal subjects for producing achievements and professionals; to highly exert the organizing, harmonizing and directing role of the association during the development of academic subjects; to actively popularize the scientific knowledge, uphold the science spirit, advocate and spread the scientific approaches; to drive the boom and development of academic subjects; and to serve for the construction of national economy and modernization of science and technology in China.

The association was founded in October 1978. Up to date, it has more than 6,000 memberships, 22 specialty committees and 3 executive committees. The association annually holds around twenty meetings for academic and popular science activities. The association joined to the International Association of Mineralogy and the International Association of Cosmochemistry and Geochemistry on behalf of China in 1981, and is now the nation-rank membership of the above two international associations.

Main members of current council

Honorary Chief Director:  OUYANG Ziyuan 

Chief Director:  LIU Congqiang

Vice Chief Directors:  CHEN Jun, DUAN Zhenghao, GAO Shan, HU Ruzhong, LIU Jiaduo, LIU Jiaqi, WANG Chengshan,
                               XU Yigang, ZHENG Yongfei, ZHU Lixin, ZOU Caineng

Secretary-General:  LI Shijie

Secretary Deputy-Directors:  DU Yangsong, LI Hongyan, LIU Jianzhong, LIU Qiang, NI Pei, XIA Qunke, XU Shihai, YU Xiabing,
                                       ZHENG Jianping, LIU Li (Secretary Deputy-Director)

Official Website of the Society:  http://csmpg.gyig.cas.cn/

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