The IsotopX IsoProbe-T™ is a Multi-Collector Thermal Ionisiation Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) with a multiple-Faraday/Ion-Counting collector assembly for the precise determination of isotopic ratios.
The IsoProb-T Mass Spectrometer Instrument structure
The IsoProbe-T™ incorporates superior electronics, unique ion-optics and a wide flight tube for 20% relative mass separation in the static mode of collection. The M17 collector assembly is designed for total flexibility and incorporates field proven LIF™ Faraday collectors, together with the option of a multiple ion counting array, to measure isotope ratios at picogram sample sizes.

Schematic diagram showing the Magnet Sector
At the core of the IsoProbe-T is detector technology which combines very low noise Faraday collectors for the highest <0.0005% (5ppm) precision isotope ratio measurements, with a comprehensive range of highly stable, multiple ion counting detectors, that can simultaneously measure for example the isotopes of Uranium and Plutonium in the smallest environmental samples. Simultaneous measurement means that all the ions are measured all the time, as opposed to a fraction of the time in sequential analysis. This is especially necessary for transient signal analysis in total evaporation measurements.

Nominal Parameters of the Ion Optical System

Features of the instrument include: 1. Field proven LIF™ long life Faraday collectors giving many years of optimal performance. 2. State-of-the-art detection electronics providing low noise levels of Faraday cups that do not require large ion signals obtain high precision. 3. 20% mass dispersion on an ion focal plane optimised for unity efficiency. 4. Muiltiple ion counting that can be used in addition to the Faraday collector array. 5. IonVantage™ data system software for the ultimate in instrument control. The world standard Microsoft Excel™ software is used for sample data handling and workbook results.
linkman: Dr. Liangchongshan email: