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Fluids immiscibility and fluid inclusions TEXT SIZE: A A A

Most fluid inclusion trapped from a homogeneous fluid but some may trapped from a heterogeneous fluids (immiscibility process). In the nature, there are a lot of immiscible processes and systems, including immiscibility between basic magma and felsic magma, magma and hydrothermal fluids; magma and CO(2) fluid; saline fluids and CO(2) fluid etc. The fluid inclusions trapped from homogeneous and heterogeneous processes are with different characteristics and in somewhat is not easy to be distinguished. The immiscibility process is an important process of mineralization. Especially in the gold deposition, pegmatite formation and porphyry Cu-Mo system.

 Publication name  ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA Volume: 27  Issue: 5  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 1253-1261  Published: MAY 2011
 Author(s)  Lu HuanZhang
 Corresponding author  

 LU Huanzhang
 1. CAS, Inst Geochem, Guiyang 550002, Peoples R China
 2. Univ Quebec, Chicoutimi, PQ G7H 2B1, Canada

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