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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
The vanadium isotopic composition of Lordinary chondrites (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-12)
Variations of trace elements under hydrological conditions in the Min River, Eastern Tibetan Plateau (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-12)
Effects of carbon anhydrase on utilization of bicarbonate in microalgae: a case study in Lake Hongfeng (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-12)
Enrichment characteristics and risk assessment of Hg in bird feathers from Caohai wetland in Guizhou Province, China (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-12)
Carbazoles and benzocarbazoles confirm migration of leaked petroleum through caprocks and overlaying formations of Valhall Well 2/8-8 in the North Sea (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-11)
Basic formation mechanisms of Lake Doroninskoye soda water, East Siberia, Russia (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-11)
Ore genesis of Badi copper deposit, northwest Yunnan Province, China: evidence from geology, fluid inclusions, and sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-11)
Are spatial distributions of major elements in soil influenced by human landscapes? (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-11)
Ore prospecting model and targets for the Dashuigou tellurium deposit, Sichuan Province, China (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-11)
Assessment of trace metals contamination in stream sediments and soils in Abuja leather mining,southwestern Nigeria (Vol.37, No.4)(2018-07-11)
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