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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Chemical compositions of sulfides in the porphyry Cu ores, Yangla Cu deposit, Yunnan, China: implication for ore genesis (Vol.39, No.6 2020)(2020-11-12)
Geology, geochemistry, fluid inclusions and O–H stable isotope constraints on genesis of the Lake Siah Fe-oxide ± apatite deposit, NE Bafq, Central Iran (Vol.39, No.6 2020)(2020-11-12)
Contribution of Asian dust to soils in Southeast China estimated with Nd and Pb isotopic compositions (Vol.39, No.6 2020)(2020-11-11)
Geotectonic significance of the Neoproterozoic ophiolitic metagabbros of Muiswirab area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt: constraints from their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics(2020-11-11)
Zircon U–Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemical, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic constraints on the timing and origin of Permian and Triassic mafic (Vol.39, No.6 2020)(2020-11-11)
Mineralogy and geochemistry of pozzolans from the Tombel Plain, Bamileke Plateau, and Noun Plain monogenetic volcanoes in the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line (Vol.39, No.6 2020)(2020-11-11)
In situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of mica and wolframite from the Maoping tungsten deposit, southern Jiangxi,China (Vol.39, No.6 2020)(2020-11-11)
Germanium/silica ratio and trace element composition of Early Cambrian siliceous rocks in Keping: implications for the siliceous rocks' formation and paleoenvironment interpretations(2020-11-11)
Late Ordovician mass extinction caused by global warming or cooling? (Vol.39, No.5 2020)(2020-09-18)
In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace element and oxygen isotope signatures of magnetite from the Yamansu deposit, NW China, and their signifi cance (Vol.39, No.5 2020)(2020-09-18)
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