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Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Earth and Environment
Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Selected Papers of Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochem
Selected Papers of Acta Mineralogica Sinica
Selected Papers of Earth and Environment
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Selected Papers of ACTA GEOCHIMICA
Hydrogeochemical characteristics and its role in controlling arsenic mobilization in a shallow aquifer(2021-11-16)
Constraints on unconsolidated pyroclastic flow sediments related REE enrichments originated from potassic-alkaline Golcük stratovolcano: ...... (Vol. 40, No.6 2021)(2021-10-27)
Fluoride ions in groundwater of the Turkana County, Kenya, East Africa (Vol. 40, No.6 2021)(2021-10-27)
Distribution of functional microorganisms and its significance for iron, sulphur, and nitrogen cycles in reservoir sediments (Vol. 40, No.6 2021)(2021-10-27)
The occurrence of vanadium in nature: its biogeochemical cycling and relationship with organic matter—a case study of the Early Cambrian black rocks of the Niutitang Formation ......(2021-10-27)
Chemical and physical characteristics of quartz from gold deposits in the North China platform: relationship to gold mineralization (Vol. 40, No.6 2021)(2021-10-27)
The Colider and Roosevelt olcanic rocks (sw amazonian craton): geochemistry and sm-nd isotope characteristics of a silicic large igneous province (Vol. 40, No.6 2021)(2021-10-27)
Preliminary analysis on roles of metal–organic compounds in the formation of invisible gold (Vol. 40, No.6 2021)(2021-10-27)
Source characteristics and genesis of Sb mineralization from the Au and Sb deposits of the Youjiang Basin, SW China: constraints from stibnite trace element and isotope (Vol. 40, No.5 2021)(2021-09-27)
Geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological analyses of reworked sediments (new) in the syn- to post-rift Middle Cretaceous-Quaternary detrital deposits from ......(Vol. 40, No.5 2021)(2021-09-27)
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