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Vol. 50, No.1, Tot No.345 2022 TEXT SIZE: A A A
Vol. 50, No.1, Tot No.345 2022 


Research Results

Geochemical Characteristics of Loess Paleosol Sequence and Its Environmental Implications in Suide Area, Shaanxi
SHI Hao et al 
14  A Study on the14C Chronology of Jiulongchi Wetland Deposit on the Fanjingshan Mountain and Its Carbon Accumulation Rate during the Holocene
RONG Yimeng et al  


Spatiotemporal Features of Deuterium and Oxygen-18 in Karst Water and Its Relation to Hydrological Regime in the Karst Catchment of Southwest China —A Case Study of Houzhai Catchment
ZHANG Yanqing et al


Paleoclimate of Past 13. 0-4. 3 Ma Recorded by n-alkan-ones in Lacustrine Sediments in Linxia Basin
LI Huicheng et al


Composition and Source Apportionment of Non-polar Organic Compounds in PM2. 5 in Winter in Major Background Regions of China
ZHANG Yuxian et al


Translocation and Accumulation of Selenium and Heavy Metals in Paddy Soil-Rice Plant System in Danzhai County, Guizhou Province
HONG Tao et al


Vertical Migration Behavior of Antimony and Arsenic in Paddy Soil in Typical Areas of Hunan Province
CHEN Jiaqi et al 


Responses of Soil Respiration and Organic Carbon to Warming and Their Influencing Factors
LI Xiaohan et al 


Effects of Secondary Evaporation under Clouds on the Precipitation Isotope in the Headwater Area of Shaliu River, Qinghai Lake
WANG Zhiang et al


Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Carbon, Phosphorus and Silicon in the WaterColumn of Hongfeng Reservoir and Puding Reservoir 
SHI Lin et al


Screening of Low Cadmium Accumulation Cultivars of Tartary Buckwheat and Analysis of the Characteristics of Bioconcentration and Transportation
MAO Xu et al


Dose Effect of Sodium Bisulfite on Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Broussonetia papyrifera
LI Zhongying et al


Heavy Metal Migration and Enrichment Mechanism and the Environmental Risks during the Weathering and Soil Formation of Carbonate Rocks 
WANG Qiuyan et al


Atmospheric Radon Concentration in Guiyang Subway Line 1 and the Potential Health Effects
WENG Xu et al


Experiment Research

140  Optimization of Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Pretreatment Method Based on in-situ Study on Phosphate Enriched Gel
ZHANG Qi et al  
  Special Subject and Review
148  Research Progress of Radiocarbon Isotope in Tracing the Source of Organic Carbon in Surface Water
TANG Xuyin et al 

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