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Surface Soil Carbon Density and Turnover Rate of Typical Vegetation Types in Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve (Vol. 48, No.6, Tot No.338 2020) TEXT SIZE: A A A

LIANG Chen1, An Jing2, FAN Yaqian2, LIANG Jinfeng1, ZHANG Xiaoya1

(1 School of ecology and nature conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;
2 Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve administration, Beijing 102115, China)

Abstract:In order to illuminate the distribution of surface soil organic carbon (SOC) in different vegetation types, this paper chose six typical plant communities in Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve as research subjects, including Juglans mandshurica forest, Quercus mongolica forest, Pinus tabuliformis forest, mixed coniferous broad leaved forest, brushwood and meadow. Based on the field investigation, sampling and laboratory analysis, surface SOC content, density and turnover rate of different vegetation types were studied. The results showed that surface SOC content and density in meadow are the highest with value of 188.5 g/kg and 10.9 kg/m2, respectively. Surface SOC turnover rate is the lowest in meadow, only 0.0196 /a. Surface SOC content and density in mixed coniferous broad leaved forest are the lowest, which are 68.6 g/kg and 5.7 kg/m2, respectively, and surface SOC turnover rate is 0.0749 /a. Surface SOC turnover rate in brushwood soil is 0.0774 /a. In general, surface SOC content decreases gradually with increasing soil depth in each sample-plot. Increased soil moisture and decreased soil temperature enhance the surface SOC content and density, but has negative impact on surface SOC turnover rate. SOC density increases with higher altitude. Altitude affects surface soil organic carbon content, density and turnover rate by influencing soil hydrothermal conditions of different vegetation communities, that in turn alters the microbial activities and litter decomposition. This study provides an effective reference for the research on soil carbon storage and turnover of different vegetation types in Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve.

Key words: surface soil carbon content; surface soil carbon density; turnover rate; vegetation types; Songshan National Nature Reserve

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Vol.48, No.6, Tot No.338, 2020, Page 672-679

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