RAN Zhengyan1, WU Pan1,*, LI Xuexian1, Teng Rongxue2
(1 College of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;
2 Environmental Monitoring Station of Songtao County, Guizhou Province,Songtao554100, China)
Abstract: This article analyzed the chemical composition of leachate originating from a manganese landfill-site and its surrounding water, as well as carried out improved WQI to assessment the quality of water, and elaborated the impact process of leachate on the surrounding natural water. Experiment results show that the leachate has neutral to slightly acidic with pH, and EC varies from 1780 to 44500 μs/cm. The concentrations of NH4-N,Mn2+,Mg2+,SO42-, and NO3- are found in high levels, present SO42->Mn2+>Mg2+>NH4-N, and decreasing along with the service time of landfill site.The heavy metalsare trace,but NH4-N and Mn2+ concentrationsin downstream water all exceed the permissible limit (GB 3838-2002 and GB/T 14848-93), especially the groundwater sampled in May (which year??) , exceeding the standard 243 times and 488 times, respectively. Improved WQI displays that leachate water pollution index of surface water is between 2.89 and 7.83, while that of the affected groundwater is 142, likely indicating that the water quality is being significantly affected by leachate percolation.
Key words: WQI; manganese slag landfill; leachate; water environment; assessment
EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 43, No.5 Tot No.307, 2015, Page 529-535