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Comparative Study on Microbial Activity of Red Soil from Ecological Restoration Zone (Vol. 43, No.4) TEXT SIZE: A A A
LIU Qiming1, ZHU Yizhen1, JIAO Yupei1, 2, CAO Yinglan1, HUANG Yunfeng1, 2, HUANG Nin1
(1 College of Food and Biological Engineering, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;
2 Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021 China)
Abstract: In this study, based on field test, microbial activity of red soil from ecological restoration zone was systematically investigated in three aspects including soil microbial quantities, intensity of soil respiration and soil enzyme activities. Experimental results show the values of soil organic, total N, total P and C/N in forestlands (ecological restoration period of 34, 26, 15, and 10 a, respectively) were consistently higher than farmland, and the values increase with ecological restoration time. The soil microbial activity of forestlands, representing soil microbial quantities (bacteria, actinomycete, and fungi), intensity of soil respiration and soil enzyme activities (protease, urease, and catalase), were consistently higher than farmland, and the values increase with ecological restoration time. Differences of microbial activity among 4 forestlands are not significant, indicating that because of appropriate climatic conditions for red soil in southern China, the dynamic balance of ecological restoration of soil ecosystems can be reconstructed and restored in several years or decades.
Key words: ecological restoration; red soil; microbial activity
EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 43, No.4, Tot No.306, 2015, Page 420-424
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