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Migration Parameter Optimization of 237Np in Saturated Red Clay from Zhejiang Province (Vol. 42, No.4) TEXT SIZE: A A A

YU Feng-mei,ZUO Guang-xia,GOU Zhen-zhi,MA Wen-yan,HE Bin
(Xi’an Research Institute of Hi-tech , 710025 Xi’an, China )

Abstract: According to the concentration distribution of radionuclide 237Np in the saturated soil column of red clay from Zhejiang Province, the objective function was obtained as 0.45 after simplex optimization algorithm was adopted to optimize migration parameters, while the objective function was calculated as 0.75 with experimental migration parameters. The result showed that there exists a good consistency between the optimization result of migration parameters and experimental measurement results. So, the optimization method can be adopted directly to confirm the migration parameters for nuclides according to nuclide concentration distribution.

Key words: neptunium; red clay; migration parameter; optimization

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 42, No.4, Tot No.300, 2014, Page 502-504

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