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Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Mine Soil and Bioaccumlation Characteristics of Dominant Plants in a Lead-Zinc Mineland, West Hunan TEXT SIZE: A A A

ZHOU Yao-yu, YANG Sheng-xiang, YUAN Zhi-zhong, ZHOU Jian-jun

(College of Biology and Environmental Science, Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Utilization, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China) 

Abstract: Heavy metal pollution of a mineland is a widespread problem in the world, including China. Soils and dominant plants of seven species were sampled and determined in the Huayuan Pb-Zn mineland, Xiangxi. Pollution index and bioaccumulation factor were employed to assess heavy metal pollution. The results showed that the mine soils were characterized by elevated levels of Pb, Zn and Cd. Pollution index showed that the mine soil was seriously polluted by Cd, slightly to moderately polluted by Pb, moderately polluted by Zn, respectively. The main dominant plants could adapt to the unfavorable edaphic conditions of mine soil and were tolerant to heavy metals, but there were great variations in metal uptake and accumulation among different plant species, of which, Camellia oleifera belongs to the accumulator plant whose roots can absorb a large amount of heavy metals and transported the metals to the shoots. Rubus tephrodesand Rubus chroosepalus had the typical characteristics of the root compartment which absorbed a large amount of heavy metals which were held in the roots. Toddalia asiatica, as an excluder plant, grows in the mine soil with elevated levels of heavy metals but absorbs less heavy metals than the accumulators. All these dominant plants can be used as preferential species of phytoremediation of lead-zinc mine wastelands.

Key words: heavy metal pollution; dominant plant; lead/zinc mineland; West Hunan

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT Vol. 40, No.3, Tot No.289, 2012, Page 361-366

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