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Partition Behaviors of Tungsten in Mineral/Melt and Solution/Melt Systems and Their Effects on Mineralization (Vol.34, No.3) TEXT SIZE: A A A

YU Xiao1,2, ZHAO Bo2, ZHANG De-hui2, HUANG Cheng2, WANG Xin-yan2, HE Cheng-zhong2

1. 12th Gold Team of Chinese People's Armed Police, Chengdu611732, China;
2. China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing100083, China

Abstract: In order to explore the mineralization mechanism of hydrothermal tungsten deposits, this paper summarized the partition behaviors of tungsten among different layers, different phases and different aggregates. The rather high concentration coefficient of tungsten mineralization was considered as the result from a series of non-uniform partitioning accumulations. The partition behavior of tungsten in the solution/melt system, especially in the F-rich fluidic system, was emphasized as the key in understanding its mineralization mechanism. Tungsten tends to be transported as simple tungstate or alkali-tungstate ion, and precipitates to form hydrothermal tungsten deposits when physical and chemical conditions, such as temperature, pressure and pH, change abruptly.

Keywords: partition coefficient solubility tungsten mineralization influence factors

E-Mail: zhdehui@cugb.edu.cn

Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry Vol. 34, No.3, 2015, page 646-653

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