DUAN Wei1,2, TANG Wen-chun1, XIONG Guan1,2, HUANG Jian1,2, HUI Bo3, WANG Huan-guo1,YANG Gui-bing1
(1. Geochemistry Exploration Brigade of Sichuan Bureau of Exploration and Development of Geology and Minerals Resources, Deyang 618000, China;
2. Sichuan Deep Resource Geological Exploration Co., Ltd., Deyang 618000, China;
3. Institute of Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract: The siliceous rock-type Re polymetallic deposit in the Northern Sichuan is an new type of Re deposit firstly discovered in China. It’s ores are enriched in Re, Se, V, Mo, and other valuable elements with good value of comprehensive utilization. The process mineralogy and Re occurrence state of ores of the deposit have been studied by using means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy spectrum analysis (EDS), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) in this paper. The main minerals in the ores include quartz, illite, pyrite and so on, with a large amount of carbonaceous matters. The EDS mapping images show that the Re and Se enrichment was closely related to the high S content and the V enrichment was closely related to high contents of Si and Al. The EPMA analytical results of pyrites show that the pyrite contains average Se content of 0.021% and average Re content of 0.024%. It means that Re and Se are mainly existed in pyrite in the form of isomorphism, whereas V is mainly hosted in clay minerals such as vanadium-containing illite.
Keywords: Re polymetallic deposit; occurrence state of rhenium; siliceous rock; pyrite; isomorphism
ACTA MINERALOGICA SINICA Vol. 41, No.3, 2021, page 271-276