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The mineralogical characteristics of euclase (BeAlSiO4(OH)) in the Baiyanghe super-large beryllium (uranium) deposit and their geological significances (Vol. 40, No. 2, 2020) TEXT SIZE: A A A

LIU Chang1, TIAN Jian-ji1*, FAN Guang1, ZHAO Xiao-bo2, WANG Mou3, YI Long-sheng1, QIU Lin-fei1, WU Yu1, ZOU Yao-lin1

(1. CNNC Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Exploration and Evaluation Techniques, Beijing 100029, China;
2. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) , Beijing 100083, China;
3. Geologic Party No.216, China National Nuclear Corporation, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China)

Abstract: As a rare Be-bearing mineral, euclase commonly occurred in the peraluminous-metaluminous magmatic- hydrothermal system, or in the low-grade Al-rich metamorphic rocks. In this study, by using various methods of polarizing microscope, electron probe microanalyzer, X-ray powder diffraction, laser Raman spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy, euclase has been identified for the first time in the Baiyanghe super-large beryllium (uranium) deposit besides the main Be-bearing mineral of bertrandite. The systematic mineralogical studies show that euclase in the Baiyanghe deposit should be deposited directly from the magmatic fluid, which was derived from the magma of granite porphyry, in the fluorine-rich environment. According to previous researches on geological characteristics, metallogenic geochronology, and geochemistry of the deposit, it is suggested that the Be mineralization in the Baiyanghe deposit may be mainly occurred in the continuous evolution process of magmatic fluid which was derived from the magma of granite porphyry, with little or no relationship to the leaching process of later fluids (including mantle-derived fluid or meteoric water).

Keywords: euclase; electron probe microanalyzer; X-ray powder diffraction; laser Raman spectroscopy; infrared spectroscopy; the Baiyanghe super-large beryllium (uranium) deposit

ACTA MINERALOGICA SINICA Vol. 40, No.2, 2020, page 191-200

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