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Geochemical Characteristics of C-O Isotopes and REE in the Hydrothermal Calcite from the Shuanglongquan Pb-Zn Deposit, Southern Guizhou, China(Vol. 38, No. 6, 2018) TEXT SIZE: A A A

ZHAO Zheng1, BAO Guang-ping2,3*, QIAN Zhi-Kuan4, HUANG Lin1, LU Mao-da1, XU Lei1

(1. No. 104 Geological Team, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development of Guizhou Province, Duyun 558000, China;
2. School of Resource Environment and Earth Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650504, China;
3. Stake Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China;
4. School of Architecture Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang 550025, China)

Abstract: The Shuanglongquan Pb-Zn deposit, an important part the Niujiaotang Pb-Zn ore field, is located in the northeastern Niujiantang area. The deposit is dominated by Zn with its Zn metal reserves of about 85000 tons. Previous studies are mainly concentrated on studying the Mapo ore block of the Niujiaotang Pb-Zn ore field with little on studying other ore sections. In this paper, to provide more detailed information for overall understanding the genesis of the Niujiaotang Pb-Zn ore field, we have carried out a study on the C-O isotopes, trace elements, and REE geochemistry of the hydrothermal calcite in the Shuanglongquan deposit. With the exception of a certain enrichment of Zn and Cd, other trace elements of the calcite are generally depleted in different degrees, indicating the low temperature metallogenic characteristics of the Shuanglongquan Pb-Zn deposit and the existence of other hydrothermal minerals in the deposit. The REE enrichment characteristics of the calcite and relevant parameters indicate that the host wall rocks could have provided part of ore-forming materials for the mineralization which occurred under reduced environment. The C and O isotopic compositions of calcite and wall rocks further indicate that wall rocks were involved in the mineralization, and carbonate minerals could have played an important role in the formation of large amounts of sulfide ores. In summary, the Shuanglongquan Pb-Zn deposit has characteristics of epigenetic low-temperature mineralization under extremely special environment.

Keywords: calcite; trace elements and REE; C-O isotopes; ore-forming environment; source of ore-forming elements; the Shuanglongquan Pb-Zn deposit

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