HAO Gui-bao1,2,FANG Wei-xuan1,2*,GUO Yu-qian2,CAO Jing-wei3
(1 .China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
2. China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China;
3. Hainan DanzhouMining co., LTD.,Danzhou 571700, China)
Abstract: In this paper, relationships between fracture and mineralization regularity of tungsten were discussed. The petrographic study with statistics and fracture measuring, fissure fillings, suggests that fractures angle in this study area might be divided into four groups, i.e., 9°, 29°,47°, and 69°, respectively. The scheelite mainly occurs in the interlayer-fracture; the inclination of scheelite stringer is about 45°, which is roughly the same as stratigraphic tectonic deformation foliation, and part of scheelite stringer occurred instrata penetration fissure in the group. Rich scheelite orebody and fractured ore space controlled by biotite diorite intrusive obviously; cataclastic lithification is relatively strong near the biotite diorite intrusion, and fracture density reached 35 m-1 on average. The local fracture density can reach up to 110 m-1, and the white tungsten deposited in the outer contact zone of the biotite diorite. Filling types and characteristics of fracture show that the fracture fillings have multiphase characteristics; fissure fillings include high temperature to low temperature minerals. Microscopic identification results show that the enrichment and mineralization of scheelite are mainly related to tourmalinization and silicification closely, speculated that the enrichment and mineralization of scheelite mainly related to the magmatic hydrothermal mineralization of biotite diorite and fracture density. The discovery of tungsten ore has a large prospecting potential.
Keywords: Fracture petrography; Tungsten; Rubidium cesium polymetallic;Cataclasticlithification phase
E-mail: fangweixuan@tom.com
ACTA MINERALOGICA SINICA Vol. 37, No. 5, 2017, Page 551-558