HUI Xiao-chao1,2, LI Zi-ying1,2, FENG Zhang-sheng3, CHENG De-jin3
(1. Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing 100029, China;
2. CNNC Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Exploration and Evaluation Technology, Beijing 100029, China;
3. Geologic Party No.224,Nuclear Industry of Shanxi Province, Xi’an 710024, China)
Abstract: The Huayangchuan deposit is located in the lesser Qinling mountain range, which is at the joint of the Qinling orogenic belt and the North China craton. Based on microscopic examination and EPMA analysis, the authors found that ore minerals of Huayangchuan deposit include betafite, galena, pyrite, magnetite, uraninite and changbaiite. Next in importance is the comprehensive utilization of minerals, including monazite, allanite, magnetite, strontianite, barite-celestine, zircon and pyrite. The principal gangue minerals are mainly plagioclase, quartz, albite, hornblende, biotite, calcite and so on. The main uranium mineral is betafite, which accounts for 88.93% uranium in the deposit, followed by 5.72% through the occurrence of uraninite. The rest of uranium to be found occurs through isomorphism or adsorption in changbaiite, monazite, allanite, apatite and titanite. Most betafite has a mainly automorphic-hypautomorpuic granular structure, whereas, fine-grained betafite has allotriomorphic granular texture. Betafite with a granularity from 0.04 mm to 0.12 mm accounts for 55.43% of the total betafite.
Key words: uranium deposit; polymetallic deposit; occurrence state; betafite; Huayangchuan; Shanxi Province
ACTA MINERALOGICA SINICA Vol. 34, No. 4, 2014, Page 573-580