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CAS Publishes Strategies on China's Earth Science Development TEXT SIZE: A A A
   The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) released the strategies to advance its earth science research and take a leading position in some fields by the year 2020 on February 21.

  The CAS College of Earth Science and Graduate school jointly published the book, titled the Strategic Report China's Earth Science Development for 21st Century.

  "The report will play an important role in promoting innovation in earth science research in the next 20years," said CAS experts.

  The report summarizes eight major issues which are of vital importance to the development of earth science and its branches, interdisciplinary studies and the country's economic sustainable development, such as planet-earth's physical, chemical, biological progression and their synchronized evolution.

  The report also listed research on those issues which are conducted home and abroad, proposing policies building China's research capacities in earth science.

  China's research in earth science in the 21st century will focus on environmental protection and provide scientific support for solving environmental, biological problems and dealing with resources shortage and natural calamity, said Qin Dahe, the leading scientist in climate science and CAS academician.
                 (from http://english.cas.cn/eng2003/news/detailnewsb.asp?InfoNo=27604)
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