Invited by Prof. CHEN Jingan at the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG), Associate Prof. Deb Jaisi from the University of Delaware, USA visited the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) on May 8th-12th, 2019.
Dr. Deb Jaisi participated in the 26th academic forum of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS and presented an academic lecture titled "Organic matter remineralization predominates phosphorus cycling in the sediment and water columns in the Chesapeake Bay" on May 10th. Dozens of researchers and postgraduates of the institute attended the forum which was presided over by Associate Prof. WANG Jingfu.
In his lecture, Dr. Deb Jaisi showed the physical and chemical characteristics of the water in the Chesapeake Bay in United States, and introduced the methods for the collection, purification and determination of phosphate oxygen isotopes. Based on combined data obtained by traditional chemistry analysis and X-ray near-side structure spectra, he concluded that organic mineralization played a leading role in the phosphorus cycle in the water and sediment of the Chesapeake Bay. His research provides a new perspective for studying the mechanism of Fe-P and C-P coupling cycle processes in river and lake pools.
During his stay, Dr. Deb Jaisi visited the SKLEG and took a field trip to Hongfeng Lake, Guizhou province. In addition, he exchanged the ideas with Prof. CHEN Jingan’s research group on the next step of cooperation in studying organic phosphorus cycle in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs.

Associate Prof. WANG Jingfu introduing Associate Prof.Deb Jaisi to the audience |

Academic exchange meeting |
(By Prof. CHEN Jingan’s group)