Prof. Gerhard Brey from Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, is a visiting professor in IGCAS, collaborating with Prof. SHU Qiao. He was an academic leader in High-temperature and High-pressure Lab and geochemistry Lab at the Institute of Earth Science at the Goethe University.
Prof. Gerhard Brey has received a number of honors during his career, e.g. the German Goldschmidt Prize in 1998, and the honorary doctorate from the Russian Academy of Science in 2004. Since 1991, he started to serve as the life committee member of the International Kimberlite Conference. In 2016, he also received the German Mineralogy Lifetime Achievement Award due to his outstanding researches in Earth Sciences. Prof. Gerhard Brey has achieved a number of important researches on High-temperature and High-pressure experimental petrology and geochemistry fields especially on geothermobarometry on mantle samples.
On April 10th, Prof. Gerhard Brey gave a talk in the "Advanced Academic Forum on Earth Evolution and Mineralization Forum" in the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry (SKLODG). His talk, titled "Diamonds with ferropericlase inclusion - an origin in lower/upper mantle", reported recent studies from his group on the origin of Ferropericlase inclusions in diamonds via High-temperature and High-pressure experimental work combined with Li isotope studies on ferropericlase inclusions. Their study suggested that the origin of Ferropericlase inclusions in diamonds from Brazil were closely related to subducted materials into the mantle.
More than 30 researchers and graduate students attended the talk and showed great interests on this topic which led to deep discussions with Prof. Gerhard Brey.
Prof. Gerhard Brey presenting the talk
The Audience |
(By Prof. SHU Qiao's group)