At the invitation of Prof. CHEN Jiubin of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG), Dr. Vincent Busigny from the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and Université Paris 7 visited IGCAS and presented a seminar titled “Iron isotopes cycling in ferruginous and anoxic Lake Pavin (France) from water column to sediment” on July 19, 2012.
The seminar was hosted by Prof. CHEN Jiubin. During the presentation, Dr. Vincent Busigny offered a detailed view of Fe isotope cycling in Lake Pavin, and had enthusiastic discussions with the audience as well.
Previous studies have indicated that the sediments deposited between 2.9 and 2.3 Ga record a large range of δ56Fe values with an exceptional negative excursion (down to -3.5‰). However, the origin of such negative excursion is still under debate. The deep water of the Lake Pavin is characterized by permanent anoxic and ferruginous condition, and can thus be regarded as a modern analog for Archean ocean. By studying Fe isotope composition along a profile in the water column down to the sediment, Dr. Vincent Busigny has determined that the Fe isotope variability recorded in iron sulfides in sediments (approximately -2 ‰) reflects the isotopic composition of Fe sulphide in water column. This work provides new insight to the further study on the redox environment of Archean ocean.
Dr. Vincent Busigny received his Ph.D. degree from IPGP/Université Paris 7 under the guidance of Prof. Marc Javoy and Prof. Pascal Philippot, and then did his post-doc in Prof. Nicolas Dauphas’s laboratory at University of Chicago. He is currently working in IPGP and has published more than twenty papers in top international journals including GCA, EPSL.
Prof. CHEN Jiubin introducing Dr. Vincent Busigny
Dr. Vincent Busigny in his presentation
(Provided by CHEN Jiubin and WANG Zhuhong, translated by CHEN Jiubin and XIAO Yi)