Prof.FENG Xinbin, Prof.CHEN Jiubin, and Associated Prof.LI Ping from Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) attended the kickoff meeting of China-France Hg cooperation project “Mercury Isotopes Fractionation and NOTCH/apoptosis biomarkers: new tracers linking Environment and Health” in Toulouse, France on JAN 12, 2012.
Prof. Laurence Maurice, the French coordinator introduced the project. (Image by IGCAS) |
Prof. Xinbin Feng presented the state of the art on Hg pollution in Guizhou Province, China. (Image by IGCAS) |
Prof. Laurence Maurice, the French coordinator, introduced each participant, each team and the latest results they had obtained on the themes described in this program in French Guiana. Prof. FENG Xinbin, the Chinese project leader, presented the state of the art on Hg pollution in Guizhou Province in China including the speciation and isotope fractionation. The participants discussed in detail about the plan of the fieldwork in China and French Guiana and lab experiments in Bordeaux (on fish) and Guiyang (on rice) and signed official agreements to collect biological samples in both countries. The participants also discussed the plan of the analysis shared by laboratories and non-permanent staff involved in the project.
The kick off meeting is successful and it’s important for carrying out the international cooperation research project.
(by LI Ping)