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Address from the Director



Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGCAS) was founded in Guiyang in 1966, with primary staff and equipment relocated from Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing.

Ever since its founding, IGCAS has been ramping up efforts to move forward.

Striving to strengthen the discipline of geochemistry,the institute has established and developed the discipline of geochemistry in China, which consists mainly of ore deposit geochemistry, environmental geochemistry, quaternary geochemistry, cosmochemistry, experimental geochemistry, organic geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, element geochemistry, tectonic geochemistry, and fluid inclusion geochemistry.

Striving to cultivate high-level talent, IGCAS is authorized as one of the first group of institutes to offer master's and doctoral programs and postdoctoral fellowships. Many renowned scientists launched their careers here, and among them 15 have been elected as academicians.

Striving to build leading laboratories, the institute is one of the few scientific research institutions that have established two state key laboratories nationwide.

Striving to promote academic exchanges, IGCAS has founded the Society of Chinese Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, one of the first-tier academic societies in China, which facilitates excellent academic exchanges and collaborations between IGCAS and other organizations both at home and abroad.

Striving to foster technological innovation, our institute has made numerous major achievements including the State Special Award for Scientific and Technological Progress and the State Natural Science Awards, while contributing significantly to the national economy and the growth of Earth sciences.

Correspondently, IGCAS has set up the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, the State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, the Key Laboratory for High-temperature and High-pressure Study of the Earth's Interior of CAS, the Center for Lunar and Planetary Sciences, and the Guizhou Engineering Research Center of Integrated Utilization of Mineral Resources of CAS, all of which are equipped with advanced equipment and facilities.

At present, the institute is the home of more than 380 regular staff members including two CAS academicians. In addition, the current enrollment of graduate students (master's and doctoral candidates) and post-doctoral fellows in IGCAS is over 400.

IGCAS undertakes about 500 ongoing research projects including the B-type Strategic Priority Program of CAS, National Key Research and Develop Project, Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Science Fund for Creative Research Groups.

In order to develop theory and applications of geochemistry and consequently expand the scientific and technological capacity for solving the problems of mineral resources development and ecological environment management, the institute mainly conducts research on the evolution of the Earth and the planets, as well as the geochemical cycles and processes in the Earth's spheres and associated resources and environmental effects.

This year marks not only the final year of the "13th Five-Year Plan" but also the end of the first phase of the Pioneer Initiative of CAS.

To accomplish the Pioneer Initiative of CAS and fulfill the "six radical changes", we should focus on boosting strategic planning, original innovation, key and core technologies, deepening reforms, and basic capabilities, while accelerating the advancement of innovation capabilities and output, speeding up to the stage of high-quality development, and making greater contributions to build China into an innovative country as well as a global power in science and technology.

We sincerely thank you for your interest in IGCAS, and look forward to your continued support in the future! On behalf of all IGCAS members, I extend the most heart-felt invitation to scientists at home and abroad to join us or collaborate with us, and welcome young scientists dedicated to geochemistry to pursue a career at IGCAS. Let us team up to innovate together, grow our field of geochemistry together, and build China into a global power in science and technology together!

FENG Xinbin

May 2020

Copyright © Institute Of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences All Rights Reserved.
Address: 99 West Lincheng Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550081, P.R.China
Tel: +86-851-85895239 Fax: +86-851-85895239 Email: web_en@mail.gyig.ac.cn