Location:  Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
Vol. 29, No. 3, September 2010 TEXT SIZE: A A A

Chinese Journal of GEOCHEMISTRY

(ISSN 1000-9426)

(Vol. 29, No. 3       September 2010)


LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the Kunlunguan A-type granites in Guangxi Province, South China

and its geological significance …………………………………………………………FU Lebinget al. (223)

Organic geochemical evaluation of the oil/gas-generative potential of organic matter in Cretaceous strata

from the Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria…………………………Minapuye I. Odigi and Levi C. Amajor(233)

Using frontal affinity chromatography to study how silver binds with particulates………………CAI Yurong (242)

Geochemistry and mineral chemistry of Pan-African amphibolites of South Sinai, Egypt

………………………………………………………………………………… Mohamed El-Tokhi et al. (246)

Study on the geochemical characteristics of arc-volcanic rocks in the Chiang Rai-Lampang

belt of northern Thailand …………………………………………………………SHEN Shangyue et al. (255)

Distribution and mode of occurrence of radionuclides in phosphogypsum derived from Aqaba

and Eshidiya Fertilizer Industry, South Jordan …………………………………… Al-Hwaiti M.S. et al. (261)

Temporal-spatial distribution and ore-forming material source of gold, copper and silver polymetallic

ore deposits in the Fuping mantle structure zone……………………………………WANG Baode et al. (270)

Saturation states of carbonate minerals in a freshwater-seawater mixing zone of small tropical island’s aquifer

…………………………………………………………………………………Ahmad Zaharin Aris et al. (278)

The stable isotope geochemical characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon in northern South China Sea

………………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Qiming et al. (287)

Tectonic uplift history of the Yitong Basin since the Oligocene, Northeast China: Evidence from

apatite fission track ages and geological relationship …………………………………CAO Qianget al. (293)

Sulfur isotopic composition of the Tianqiao Pb-Zn ore deposit, Northwest Guizhou Province, China:

Implications for the source of sulfur in the ore-forming fluids ……………………… ZHOU Jiaxiet al. (301)

Geochemical characteristics and possible origin of natural gas in the Taibei Depression,

Turpan-Hami Basin, China……………………………………………………… ZHAO Hongjinget al. (307)

The origin and distribution of natural gas in the frontal uplift area of the Kuqa depression, Tarim Basin

………………………………………………………………………………………………CUI Jie et al. (313)

A study on the distribution characteristics and existing states of cadmium in the Jinding Pb-Zn deposit,

Yunnan Province, China …………………………………………………………………… YE Linet al. (319)

REE characteristics and Nd isotopic compositions of Lunar pristine rocks: Implications for petrogenesis

of pristine rocks and source regions……………………………………………………FU Xiaohui et al. (326)

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